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Kiriwi Home

This branch contains details of 1,066 individual people, including 268 unique surnames making up 293 families!


Nau mai, Haere mai and
Welcome, e te Manuhiri

Reihana Kiriwi

This branch is based around the ancestors and descendants of Reihana Kiriwi aka Morenui (Abt 1816 - 1876), of Muriwhenua rohe, and his 5 wives. These marriges produced 15 children.

This whakapapa website is a place where you can learn from the knowledge of other whanau, and more importantly, it is a place where you can share your knowledge with them within the confines of a closed whanau forum.

Inside you will find Kiriwi whanau whakapapa, charts, photos and much more. As with all whakapapa, it is incomplete and is very much a work in progress. If you whakapapa to Reihana Kiriwi, then this is your whakapapa.

Help/FAQ Page (New)

This "Help/Frequently Asked Questions Page" will help you get started and guide you through some of the more unique facilities of this website. It answers many of your questions and will allow you to get the most out of the site making your visits more enjoyable and informative. If you have any further difficulty with the website or have any ideas on how we can improve things, please contact us.

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Certain functions including Search Surnames, Search Places, and Search People are available with limited capabilities. You will be able to see a list of names from the whakapapa but the first names of living people will be initialised and their vital dates suppressed. This gives you the opportunity to see if you or an ancestor of yours may be included on the site prior to registering.



As far as anyone can ascertain, there has never been an attempt to compile a comprehensive Eriha Kiriwi whakapapa. Much of the whakapapa put together to date is through the lifetime research of my mother, Thelma Olive Priestley (1936 - 2000).

Thelma spent much of her life researching several of our family branches. This was before the advent of computers and the internet and therefore it meant countless hours of visiting whanau, phone calls, attending hui, searching libraries and museums.

Her determination and passion for this work was driven by her single-minded aroha for her whanau. Her devotion to her parents Percy Greaves and Dolly Greaves was unsurpassed. Her dedication to her siblings and cousins was without compromise. Her kindness and generosity to everyone she met was renowned.

After her passing I came across her work and had to make a decision. Did I throw it out? or should I leave it for someone else to throw out?? I decided to dig a little deeper where I found subtle hints that made me realise that what she was looking for was a vehicle to share her work and someone to drive our whanau legacy. With the advent of the computer and the internet, that vehicle has arrived.

It is therefore her lifetime of work and research that is the foundation of this Kiriwi whakapapa. Her memory is the inspiration to drive it forward. I hope that it becomes everything she hoped it could be... a fitting tribute to our Kiriwi whanau whanui.

Merv Priestley

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If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Heritage Overview

Click on the chart below to view an overview of the heritage of this whakapapa branch . You will need to log in to view.

Tupuna Links

Navigate directly to the various tupuna families who founded this branch. Discover your relationship to them and the various families that have since made your family what it is today. You will need to log in to view.

Eriha Kiriwi (d.1916)

Maata Ngamoni Raharuhi (d.1941)

Reihana Kiriwi (d.1876)

Meremoko (aka Merenoko)

Ihaia Raharuhi

Ani Patu


We are a whanau focused entity so access to this website and the whakapapa database is free and will remain free. The database is independent of any other genealogy sites therefore, the information within it will not be on sold (as commercial sites do). The websites are also advert free and we hope to keep them that way. However, to keep this information stored online does come at a monetary cost ($5 per month). To help us keep these websites running, we gratefully accept koha (recommended $5-$10 pa))

External Website Links

Eriha Kiriwi Whanau History Website (Open Site)
This website will feature tipuna biographies and tributes as well as indepth articles on various whanau historic events, places and taonga.

A Bay of Islands Whakapapa Site
(Closed Site)

Social Media Links

Whakawhanaungatanga online. Catch up with the whanau, find out where everyone is and what they are doing. If you want to know how you connect to anybody there, you can come back here to find out

Reihana Kiriwi Whakapapa Facebook Page (Closed Page)
This closed page was started in 2013. It's purpose is to enable whanau to engage with other whanau, within a closed whanau environment. You will need to request to join this group.

Our Most Common 100 Branch Surnames

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