An Aotearoa Genealogy Website
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"Understanding your heritage and whakapapa can be very moving.
All of us want a sense of belonging, and gaining that knowledge is grounding and reassuring"
- Simon Dallow


Nau mai, Haere mai and
Welcome, e te Manuhiri

This website is where whanau can discover and contribute to their family history and whakapapa, online. It contains details of 16,304 individual people, including 3,278 unique surnames making up 5,156 families!

You are invited to join us on this voyage of discovery and collaboration.

For privacy purposes, personal information of living individuals within this database is password protected from public viewing.
You may view our Privacy Policy for more information. The use of whakapapaonline.com is subject to our Terms and Conditions.

To gain access to the genealogy records within this database, you will need to log in . If you have no log in codes, you will need to register for a new user account and submit your whanau affiliation.

To find out if you or any of your tupuna affiliate to this whakapapa, you may intiate a surname search. Please note that the search results will abbreviate first names of living people.

If you have stumbled across this website and are not whanau, we will not be able to grant you access.

If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Merv Priestley
(Descendancy - BeazleyBristowKiriwiPriestley)
on behalf of the Administration Team



Navigate to your whanau branch home page here. Alternatively, you may navigate via the "Branches" dropdown menu at the top right of any page on this site.

Our database was last updated 1 Feb 2025
To view the latest updates, visit our What's New page.

We are looking for information about these ancestors.


- If you would like to add or update the information about a specific individual or their family that are already on this site, please use the "Suggest" or "Submit Photo/Doc" tabs found on that individual's page.

- If you have infromation of a specific individual or family that aren't yet on this site, you may contact us. Their photos or documents may be submitted here.

- If you would like to become a website editor, and edit the database yourself, you may contact us.


We are a whanau focused entity so access to this website and the whakapapa database is free and will remain free. The database is independent of any other genealogy sites therefore, the information within it will not be on sold (as commercial sites do). The websites are also advert free and we hope to keep them that way. However, to keep this information stored online does come at a monetary cost ($5 per month). To help us keep these websites running, we gratefully accept koha (recommended $5-$10 pa))

Our Most Common 100 Surnames

(Mouseover surnames to view individual counts to surnames. Click on surname to go to surname list)
Show all surnames (sorted alphabetically)

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